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Home Mortgages in Turkey and Istanbul
By Serdar Pala
Have you ever considered getting a home mortgage? If you live in Turkey or Istanbul, you should definitely consider it. A Bank home loan can help you achieve your dream of becoming a homeowner. Don’t Read more...

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How Your Passion Could Help You Create A Home Business!
By Larry Potter
How Your Passion Could Help You Create A Home Business! By now, you should know that any email or person that says starting a home business (Internet business) is a quick way to make Read more...

Home Office Library Furniture: Striking A Balance
By Jared Winston
A home library can be the highlight of your home, as a place for you to relax and rest or as a place for you to study and learn. However, it can also be the center of your business life. Many people Read more...

Home Sauna Advantages
By Catherine Martinez
There is nothing as relaxing and rejuvenating as a sauna bath at the end of a vigorous workout or when you are back home after a strenuous day at work and a more strenuous drive on traffic-jammed Read more...

Reference position track for recalibration of the actuator, usually the outer track (Track 0).

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Make Your Car Your Home
By Tracy Dawson
What have you got at that you certainly do not have in your vehicle?

Sure, there is your big and very comfortable bed. But, we all do know that you can simply recline your seats and still be able to take that rest you need.

The television set. That is one thing that you do not have in your vehicle as well as all those other kitchen and other gadgets. But you know, you just hate it when you do hurry to watch your favorite ball game. But once you are in your garage, that is when you do see that you had already missed a good part of the game. After all, you still had to park your vehicle, run to make your favorite sandwich for your stomach was already grumbling, and then dash to your den to turn on the TV. Too bad.

But there is this new technology from General Motors. But no, this one would not have anything

to do with having your television set installed right in your vehicle so you can watch while you drive. That would be too dangerous. This also would not have anything to do with interchanging the GMC body parts to become an entertainment system. No fun in that.

GM calls it the “Car2U” and they would be available in some 2007 GM models and cars. One comes as a magical key fob while another would be the automation system. It was a wizard that came by the name Jody Harwood who conjured up such a way to make you enjoy your TV more. Harwood was actually a project manager for Lear Corp. and he is also going to share his magic with GM.

The Car2U key fob would actually allow you to start up the lights in your so that when you rush home, you would not need to stumble in the dark and waste precious time before you get to your game. It can also start up your TV so that when you walk in, it would already be up and waiting for you. The key fob could also be used to start up the microwave to make your favorite popcorn. See? Life is certainly easier.
Tracy is a 29 year old researcher and writer from Dallas, Texas with extensive experience in writing auto-related articles and covering automotive related events. She is currently a contributing writer for a leading automotive e-zine.

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