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Are You Ready For The Home Inspector?
By Edward McCarthy
There was a time not too long ago when buyers rarely requested one. Just five years ago the Chicago metropolitan area had only 200-300 home inspectors, while today the figure is 3,000 and growing. Read more...

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How Good is Home Security System without Security Cameras
By Marian Rozwenc, PhD
A home security system is a proven deterrent to intruders. Home security is an issue that we all need to give some considerable thought. There are plenty of things that can be done to ensure home Read more...

Here's How to Organize Your Home and Feel Better at The Same Time
By Patricia Wagner
Did you know that a clean orderly home can give you an enhanced sense of well-being? Living in a disorganized mess can make you feel disorganized too. Your home is meant to be a haven from the Read more...

Increase Your Homes Value With Custom Cement Countertops
By Steve Galashaw
Whether you live in Beverly Hills California or in the rural Saskatchewan if you want to increase the value of your home and your enjoyment of your kitchen start by installing custom cement Read more...

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Work from home careers: An Overview
By Shannon Kietzman
The number of work from careers available today is outstanding. If you are looking to add a little residual income to your pocketbook or dream of being your own boss, work from careers may be the answer you’re looking for.

Types of Work from careers

The sheer variety of work from careers can seem a bit overwhelming at first. Sorting through all of the opportunities and determining which ones are legitimate and which ones are scams is the first priority. As the old adage goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” This is not to say, however, that there are not plenty of legitimate work from careers available.

Basically, work from careers fall under two categories: your own business that you have started in response to a need you have recognized and working for someone else’s business by telecommuting.

Starting Your Own Business

If you wish to start your own business, there are several areas an entrepreneur can explore, such as:

• Freelance data entry
• Freelance writing
• Freelance graphic artist
• Window washing business
• Candle making business
• Notary
• Inkjet refilling
• Car washing

If you choose to be an entrepreneur, you will be responsible for providing the goods or service of your business, as well as for taking care of the business aspects of the business.

These aspects include marketing, customer relations, and accounting.

Working for Someone Else

Similarly, there are work from careers that will allow you to stay at while letting someone else remain in control of the business aspects. If you are uncomfortable with having control of the direction and ultimate success or failure of the business, this might be the right path for you.

Many of the same businesses already discussed can offer work from careers for you without you having to be responsible for the overall business. For example, you may not be comfortable seeking out freelance writing, data entry, or graphic artist work. Instead, you might choose to work beneath someone who has successfully started one of these businesses. Often, individuals who have built a successful career in one of these areas subcontract work to those who prefer to provide the service but not deal with the business side of the job.

Other work from careers that can bring in some residual income that do not require you to be business savvy include taking surveys and working as a secret shopper. Neither of these work from careers is likely to make you rich, but, believe it or not, companies are willing to pay people for taking surveys. Often, these surveys are about a potential upcoming product or service and the company wants to get an idea of whether or not it will be well received by consumers. Therefore, there is often a screening process beforehand to ensure you fit within the demographic the company is targeting.

Secret shoppers are called upon to visit places of business to assess the provided service. Again, these particular work from careers are not high paying, but they do provide a small stipend and you can often get a free meal or products for free by working as a secret shopper.
Shannon Kietzman is a work from home careers expert. Shannon’s views and ideas are published regularly on

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