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Home Security Camera Tips - How To Frustrate An Intruder!
By Dean Caporella
I was discussing the benefits of a home security camera recently with my neighbor and came away thinking..."gee, it's more than just a security camera, in fact, it's like a complete protection Read more...

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In today's atmosphere of fear, it seems that families and homes are not ‘safe' from the elements of the world regardless of location. Life happens spontaneously and often presents with the unforeseen Read more...

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A residential structure containing one to four dwelling units, or a condominium unit, regardless of the number of units in the building.

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Home Run Statistics, Kiss That Ball Goodbye
By Aron Wallad
Home Run Statistics, Kiss That Ball Goodbye.

The run. One of sports grandest sights. It could be a line drive that feebly clears the wall or a pop up that glances off the foul pole. Or if it’s a shot that goes 40 to 50 rows back. It is still a run. We love to check out those sluggers get a hold of one...

Here are some of the great run hitters. I have categorized these run hitters in a distinctive way. Have some fun with numbers. These statistics include the 2004 season.

Most 50 or more run seasons
Babe Ruth, Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire at 4 seasons each
Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Alex Rodriguez, Jimmie Foxx
Ralph Kiner and Ken Griffey Jr. with 2 season each

Most 40 or more run seasons
Babe Ruth – 12 seasons
Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Harmon Killabrew – 8 seasons each
Ken Griffey Jr., Sammy Sosa with 7 seasons each
Willie Mays, Mark McGwire, Alex Rodriguez 6 seasons each (now 7 seasons including 2005)

Most 30 or more runs seasons
Hank Aaron – 15 seasons
Babe Ruth – 14 seasons
Barry Bonds, Mike Schmidt – 13 seasons each
Mark McGwire, Jimmy Foxx – 12

seasons each
Frank Robinson, Willie Mays – 11 seasons each
The following four players had 10 seasons each
Harmon Killabrew, Lou Gehrig, Fred McGriff, Rafael Palmeiro
The following seven players had 9 seasons each
Mickey Mantle, Manny Ramirez ( now 10 seasons - including 2005),
Mike Piazza Eddie Mathews, Tony Perez, Jim Thome, and Jeff Bagwell

The following five players had 8 seasons each of 30 runs or more
Alex Rodriguez (now 9 season - including 2005), Ted Williams, Frank Thomas, Mel Ott, and Albert Belle

The following seven players had 7 seasons each
Ernie Banks, Joe DiMaggio, Juan Gonzalez Gary Sheffield, Dave Kingman, Willie McCovey and Reggie Jackson

Some More Run Facts
Between Ted Williams, Stan Musial and Joe Dimaggio 1357 runs were hit. Between the three of them they had two 40 run seasons.

When Joe DiMaggio hit 46 runs in 1937 he struck out 37 times.

Fred Lynn hit 23 runs four years in a row.

Duke Snider had five 40 run seasons – all in a row.

Hank Aaron hit 44 runs four different seasons, He wore uniform number 44.

Willie Mays, Ralph Kiner, Mickey Mantle and Jimmie Foxx are the youngest players to hit 50 runs in a season. They all knocked 50 when they were 24 years old.

The oldest player to hit at least 50 in a season is Barry Bonds. He hit 73 in 200. He was 36 years old.

Feel free to pass this article on to anyone you think would benefit from reading it.
Loving the game of baseball for Aron Wallad has been a job of joy for a long time. For over 45 years he has followed the game by coaching, watching games, reading stories and checking player’s stats. You will find his stories moving. You will be amazed when you see the unusual statistics he presents like this article. The quotes will move you or make you laugh.
Check out some Rawlings Baseball Equipment go here

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