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Home Security Camera Tips - How To Frustrate An Intruder! By Dean Caporella I was discussing the benefits of a security camera recently with my neighbor and came away thinking..."gee, it's more than just a security camera, in fact, it's like a complete protection package against unwanted nasties!" The benefits are enormous and in today's society, the cost almost becomes a non-issue.
So what types of security cameras are available and what will suit your situation? It's important to decide exactly what level of coverage you need. If you live in a known hot spot area then you should consider solid coverage, both inside and out. Let's be honest, a security camera system is essentially a monitoring service and it's job is to detect. Short of hiring the national guard, there isn't a system yet developed that will actually physically prevent and apprehend intruders... not to my knowledge anyway.
For extra peace of mind though, a security camera will cast a watchful eye over your most valuable possessions day and night and it's this deterrent aspect that makes them such a valuable aid in the fight against crime.
The Camera Options
There are a variety of options available to the consumer: inside, outside or both, wireless systems and even fake cameras, yes, fake! While we mentioned earlier that cost should be a non-issue because of the benefits associated with having camera security unfortunately for many this is one issue they can't avoid. So how about a fake camera system? They are
extremely cost effective, they look like the real deal and more importantly, an intruder is going to think twice about entering premises with what appears to be a surveillance system monitoring it. Pretty cool huh!
Choose A Dome
Dome security cameras are an excellent choice for coverage. Against the experienced intruder, they are effective because they are less obvious than most other systems. Dome cameras are ideal for both inside and outside and because of their ability to resist unfavorable weather conditions, their hardy nature makes them a prime choice for many owners. If you are keen on having outside coverage then you need to choose a camera which will be resistant to the elements. If not a dome, then make sure you at least ensure whatever camera you use has an extra protective layer on it.
Go Wireless
Wireless systems have grown in popularity with the surgent technology boom. After all, no wires means less mess and no drilling into walls and owners generally need no further convincing about their benefits. But if you have a compulsive tendency to check your on a regular basis and you're away from it hey, no problems, with a wireless security camera system , it's just a matter of accessing it from a computer or even a smart phone! If you are away from the and need to keep an eye on the kids, take your laptop with you and monitor them.
Intruder Alert!
If your is still broken into despite security camera coverage all is not lost. Smart systems have the ability to motion sensor and as part of a surveillance system, can alert police. The added benefit of recorded information gives you more chances of having a burglar apprehended as well as reclaiming your stolen property.
The is in most cases, a persons most valuable material possession. Having the watchful eye of a security camera over it makes pretty good sense. Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Discover the many advantages of a home security camera plus get the latest security camera news and reviews at:
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