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Setting Your Goals Higher With a Work at Home Business
By Jennifer Baker
Having a home business is both a personal and a professional challenge. A home business can extend your participation in the corporate world or your chosen field, or embark upon a new trade, talent, Read more...

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Selling Luxury Homes
By Alexis Hunter
Are you selling homes in the luxury market? Who are the buyers you will be representing? The luxury home market is unlike any other real estate market. It caters to those whose incomes are in the Read more...

How to start a call center for your home business
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The trend nowadays is for people to work at home, even in their pajamas. Some people start work even before they have breakfast. But these are the lucky few, who were able to find their ideal home Read more...

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Stop Burglars Using Powerful Home Security Components
By Dan Crane
If you have some valuable items or information in your house, you want to protect your from burglars in the best possible way. For such homeowners, there are especially designed all-in-one security kits, which allow you to stop the theft, automatically.

In case you don’t know what kind of protection systems are available on the market and what they do, we’ll try to cover some information here. So without wasting much time, let’s take a look at the components, which make-up the security system, ok.

Home Security System Components

Usually, almost all of the security systems contain the following components: control panel, keypads, sensors, lights or alarms. Below, we’ll try to look at these a little bit closer.

Control Panel – It is the heart of a security system. Control panel receives all the signals from motions sensors (we’ll discuss them later) and interprets them. Then, the control panel (depending on which signals were received) alerts the output devices: external lights or sound alarms.

Keypads – These small devices act like a remote control for your TV. They allow you to turn on or off the alarm system. Basically, they let you interact with the control panel. Using these keypads you can notify your control panel about added additional lights or sensors.


Sensors – These gadgets are used to notify the control panel about possible intrusion of any kind. They may scan the area for possible motion and will help turn on the alarm and catch the burglars.

Contacts - These magnetic devices are fixed on windows and doors. They are put between the frame of the window or a door. When someone tries to open a door for instance, these devices will notify the control panel about possible intrusion.

Infrared - Infrared motion detectors can notify a security control panel about intrusion, based on heat emitted by the object or the movements made.

Detectors - There are special motion detectors that can be mounted on walls or the ceiling. These detectors can navigate the area up to 360 degrees.

Output Devices – These are the devices that act when they get a signal from a control panel. It can be external lights, which are very popular among security system owners, or it can be sound alarms. Lights start flashing or simply light-on by interrupting burglar’s intentions to rob your house. Sound system wakes up the whole neighborhood and prevents burglars from any intrusion.

Additional Security Components

Additionally, it would be suggested to get better locks for your doors. You could also put on some decals on the fences or in some obvious place, saying that your house is secured by a protection system 24 hours a day. You could also put on some dummy cameras to fool burglars into thinking that spy cameras guard your house.

Or you could install real spy cameras that record view all the time or turn-on only when motion sensors detect a movement or some kind of heat. So you could have the ultimate security system with cameras, lights and alarms altogether.
Dan Crane informs consumers about home security devices and techniques. If you"d like to learn more about home security products or spy cams, go to:

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