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The American Dream – Home Ownership!
By clifton waldrep
Everyone would like to become a homeowner here in the USA. I know I did! There is nothing like closing escrow on your home and knowing that it took a lot of effort, research, and determination to Read more...

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Home Security Monitoring Systems
By Milos Pesic
When selecting a home security system you have the choice of opting for a simple home security system or a private monitored home security system. While monitored home security systems are Read more...

The Work at Home Industry is Booming
By Diep Tran
The work at home industry is booming, especially where the internet is concerned. You will never find a better time or opportunity to make money online by working from home in front of your Read more...

Really, Work at Home?
By Rolf Rasmusson
Work at HomeWhy would anyone really want to work at home? I sure wouldn't unless the plan only called for a short while. If you have a real job and you do it at home the Read more...

The District of Columbia receives HOME Investment Partnership Program funds from HUD every year, just like other jurisdictions. HOME was designed to stimulate the formation of creative local, state and federal partnerships for the purpose of meeting community housing needs, with a special emphasis on nonprofit, community-based housing development organizations. ...

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Working From Home - What’s Best for You?
By Thomas Childs
Working From - What’s Best for You?

Even the best Internet business won’t prove successful for you if you don’t have the personality to work from home. A Internet business that combines your best skills and strongest desires and interests can be enticing and offer great flexibility and freedom. It also requires, however, a great deal of self-motivation, organization and self discipline. Generally the best former employees to succeed in the best Internet business are those whose jobs required and allowed autonomy and who found themselves chafing at the restrictions placed on them because of their lack of authority. These employees found themselves thinking, “I can do this myself and keep the money for me.”
These folks succeed better than those whose prior jobs were micro managed and redundant.

Before you take the leap to what you think is your best based Internet business ask yourself a few questions.

The first question is about self-discipline, organization and self motivation. The question is, “Am I going to be comfortable setting and keeping my own business schedule?” If your previous employer let you pretty much come and go as you pleased – outside sales might be a good example of this – and you succeeded under that routine – than the answer is probably yes. But if you punched a clock in, out and to lunch, you may have a more difficult adjustment. The best way to adjust to your Internet business environment is to establish a daily routine as much as possible.

Perhaps each day you spend the first hour reading and answering your mail – electronic

and otherwise, followed by an hour of prospecting for new leads. You should schedule in a couple of 15-20 minute breaks and a long break for lunch as well. The best schedule for your best Internet business is to work the hours that your clients or potential consumers do. Of course, if your market is national or global this might be difficult. What you might do, for example, if you live on the West coast and are an early morning person is start at 6am, and give yourself a break somewhere in the middle of your work day – maybe a couple of hours at the gym or pool – and then go back to work until about 6pm, when the West Coast folks have knocked off for the night.

Can you set your own goals and be your own recognition? Make a list of what you want to achieve, small milestone by small milestone, and then check off when you’ve achieved each. Reward yourself. I just sold my first contract. I’m getting that brand new Web cam I’ve wanted for so long. If you like and thrive on recognition give yourself your own pats on the back by publishing your expertise on the Web. Offer your free expertise in the form of industry articles at no charge. Not only will it give you the limelight you crave but it will be on the best ways to help grow your Internet business.

The last question, and perhaps the most important one, is whether you can shut that office door at night and walk away to have a life. Some entrepreneurs can’t and they burn out. We’re not suggesting this is a 40 hour job – it isn’t. At least not at the start. But taking some time to enjoy family and friends, and pursue enjoyable exercises is the best way to reward yourself for starting that best Internet business.

Are You Looking for an Internet Business to Get Started
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Tom Childs holds an MBA from the University at Buffalo, and is involved with several highly successful internet businesses.
Visit Tom"s "Home Business Success Training Journal" Blog Site:
Click Here

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