Why Uncle Sam Wants You ...To Purchase a Home! By Nef Cortez One of the best tax breaks that the United States Tax Code allows for is the deduction of mortgage interest and property taxes paid on one=s personal primary residence. Over 66% of Americans enjoy Read more...
Home And Family Security Surveillance Camera By Abigail Franks As the world continues to get more dangerous, the last thing you want is to bring that danger directly into your home. Newspaper stories tell the tale babysitters abusing children when their parents Read more...
Be It Ever So Humble, There's No Place Like a Motor Home RV By Harvey Ong When going on an extended road trip, there are usually two options. First is to take whatever vehicle you have handy and drive, hoping to find a motel or someplace where you can stay if it gets too Read more...
The District of Columbia receives HOME Investment Partnership Program funds from HUD every year, just like other jurisdictions. HOME was designed to stimulate the formation of creative local, state and federal partnerships for the purpose of meeting community housing needs, with a special emphasis on nonprofit, community-based housing development organizations. ...
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Make Your Work at Home Dream Reality By Jennifer Baker The biggest industry for the last several decades has been small business, but this has exploded today into a new growth vector: the work at trend. To work at is the new American dream. And several new developments in consumer electronics, cultural acceptance, and workplace mores now make work at business practices possible.
Many different technologies exist today that assist the work at entrepreneur. Internet speeds, telecommunications capabilities, tax breaks, and other benefits make a work at scenario not only possible but preferable in many cases. Project management software and the sophistication of different companies and clients allow for work at scenarios.
To work at requires diligence and concentration. Distraction management is the key. But work at telecommuting is more efficient and cuts down on traffic wear and tear on the car and individuals. For the small business entrepreneur, this cuts down on having to duplicate the cost of working at a office space and leasing or purchase of extra equipment or staff. Most people
today have the equipment they need to work at home.
The resources needed for a work at office are a decent computer, a high speed Internet connection, at least one land line for communication or audio conferences, and possibly a combination printer/fax/copy machine. To work at requires the ability to achieve a comparable workload without the burden of a time consuming drive and additional drain on resources to perform that function.
But to work at does not mean doing only the traditional office work. Many kinds of industries are beginning to emerge where manufacturing custom or made goods for sale or group batch processing is required. Instead of a company needing to maintain extra factory space and light and heat a plant, they can send out the work and have it returned finished.
To work at may require individuals to find the work, price it right, get the job, and possibly perform their own accounts receivable tasks. But many people love the convenience of applying their best work time when it's available, or when the kids are at school or in bed, and when they choose to work. To work at requires planning and accountability.
It's possible that in the coming years, many resources and traffic and other stressors can be reduced by a larger percentage of employees working from at least one day a week, cutting down on travel, and utilizing a work at scenario. Jennifer Baker enjoys the freedom of being able to work at home and would love to share with you her insights and experience so you can build your own online business.
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