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Home Staging Can Help You Sell Your House Quickly
By Charles Essmeier
Real estate prices have hit record levels in the United States during the last five years. In some parts of the country, prices have tripled. For those selling houses in the first half of the Read more...

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Easy Work from Home Ideas Using the Internet and Still Have Plenty of Time Freedom
By Calvin Heng
The kids are at a stage when they need you and you want to stay at home. So, you are looking for easy work from home ideas that will help you earn money. Easy work from home ideas are floating all Read more...

Do You Have a Mobile Home Remodeling Idea?
By Remy Jirek
What is your mobile home remodeling idea? Do you want to create a deck or remodel your kitchen cabinets? Perhaps you are dying to repair your bathroom or design your dream back yard? No matter what Read more...

Prepayment Penalties Erode Your Worth, Home That Is!
By Joe Lane
When a home buyer gets involved with buying a home, thoughts usually tend to center on staying in that home for a lengthy period of time, building both a family and equity. However, as we all know, Read more...

The location where one resides. Source: Webster's Dictionary

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Home Loans In India
By Aditya Jaiswal
Every man has a dream to own a house. It is a lifelong ambition for most of the people. There was a time when, for an ordinary person it was a whole lifetime of savings to build a house. But today with the changing market trend, things have become easier. loans are an easy way out to purchase a house. People who do not have the entire amount to pay take the benefit of a loan. Anybody can avail loan based on this income. To make this easier, lots of companies are offering affordable housing loans. The loans policies for NRI makes it easier for people staying outside to own a house on their motherland. The government has been continuously reviewing its policy measures to ease the norms for NRI investment in real estate.

After making substantial investments

in that dream abode, one needs to insure it against future risks and perils. Besides natural calamities such as cyclones and earthquakes, man-made disasters too pose threats to properties.Home insurance policy protects homes against these hazards. In addition to this, incidents such as gas cylinder explosion, fire due to electric short circuit as well as man-made disaster like burglary are also covered under the policy.

Home insurance policy available in the market covers broadly two things building structure and contents inside the home. Building structure is covered against fire, storm, flood, riot, lightning, aircraft damage, landslides, damage by vehicles, earthquake, and damage due to acts of terrorism.

However, a insurance cover does not cover the market value of the home. The price of the includes the cost of the land and the cost of constructing the structure on this land and the land cannot be insured. The insurance cover is only for the cost of constructing the building.
Aditya Jaiswal, advisor of home loans for NRIs, is an associated editor with the site: The site is an online portal to provide home loan advice on home loans in India including types of home loans in India, home loan interest rates in India provided by home loan providers in India.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to home that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our housing house website.

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